Community Check-in featuring author Ann Douglas and Coach Miguel Martinez
Join Erin Mills Connects for its semi-annual Community Check-in for residents and workers who serve our communities in west Mississauga. This FREE lunch-and-learn session will take place on Wed., Nov. 30 at Noon. Register here: https://onpathway.me/Ann2022
In this thought-provoking workshop, Ann Douglas will reflect on the conversations she had with the more than 100 midlife women she interviewed for her brand-new book Navigating the Messy Middle: A Fiercely Honest and Wildly Encouraging Guide for Midlife Women. In addition to sharing some highlights from her research, she’ll also encourage community members to reflect on the messages they receive from the broader culture about midlife (and midlife women in particular) and to consider the many ways midlife women contribute to the health and well-being of our community. This is your chance to push back against toxic, life-limiting narratives about aging that only serve to make life harder, and that discourage the intergenerational solidarity we so desperately need right now.
About Ann Douglas
For decades, Ann Douglas was Canada’s most trusted writer on all things parenting. Now she’s turning her attention to the glorious messiness that is midlife. She is the author of 26 non-fiction books, including many bestselling titles in the parenting category, and a passionate and inspiring speaker who delivers keynote addresses and leads small-group workshops at conferences and online events. Ann and her husband Neil live in rural Ontario, where she is hard at work on her first novel.
Website: anndouglas.ca
Facebook: Navigating The Messy Middle
Instagram: @annmdouglas (with an “m” in the middle)
Twitter: @anndouglas