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Beyond High School
If you are a student in Mississauga, Beyond High School is for you. Within, discover your strengths, and unshakeable values. Review your potential pathways, such as apprenticeship, college, university, and work. You may also want time for a Gap Year to explore careers through work placement, travel, volunteering, and microcredentials. Entrepreneurship is always an option to explore at school (check out the section on ICUBE UTM and Sheridan’s EDGE) or as a full time vocation. You’ll find worksheets, resources, budget planners and more to finance your next steps. We’ve also included a mental health and well-being section to help you keep the spark that is you.
BTW, share this with your parents/guardians or your circle of support. They will be invaluable to you as you make big decisions about your future.

Beyond High School: A guide to discovering your pathway to success is HERE.
Two versions of a Workbook are provided below so you can complete worksheets and exercises from Beyond High School online or on paper.
Fillable PDF — complete worksheets on your device
Printable PDF — work on a printed copy